My Story So Far

My Current Powerful Intentions:

My intention is to share with others our true oneness as we individually express our lives through the gifts and talents endowed by our creator. I plan to accomplish this by being God's love to all those I have attracted into my life. Beginning with myself and then extending to my family, my friends, and each new relationship.

My Life Purpose:

To be a Spiritual Peacemaker. An Emissary of Light. To let my life be a pointer to those who are seeking inner peace and well-being. There are many paths that lead to truth. I have chosen the one that I believe will lead me to truth the quickest.

My Values:

Relationships are very important to me. The people in my life are the people who have shaped my life, and the people I love in my life. I rely and depend on the Holy Spirit to guide me into all truth.

My Story:

I was raised in a very loving home. I grew up in Southern California, until I was 12 years old. I have lived in Northern California, ever since until recently and am now 61 years old. Today I am living in the beautiful town of Englewood, CO, one of the communities of Denver.

There have been a few defining moments that have influenced my life. The first 18 years of my life I lived as an agnostic. I pretty much did as I pleased and made several decisions that did not serve me well at all. Finally at the height of desperation I discovered God's love for me through faith in Jesus Christ. It was not long after I married and settled into a time of personal growth and raising a family.

In 2004 I began a spiritual journey I called God Quest. I had begun to question the evangelical teachings of my Christian experience. In 1972 I knew I had a spiritual and metaphysical encounter with Christ but some of the doctrine and dogma of the church appeared contradictory to the loving Being I had encountered. So with an open mind and a open heart I began my quest.

Nothing was off limits. My faith in God never wavered, but my understanding of who and what God is went through a major internal makeover. This has all lead me to where I am today.
Never in a million years could I have predicted that this is where I would arrive. I am so grateful to God and my only desire is to point others towards their own discovery of truth. Your journey may follow a similar path I have taken, and it may not. It matters not, and I honor and respect all for the decisions they have made about their own lives.

Ultimately we will all arrive at our final destination and take our rightful place as God's most holy Son.

My Vision:

To be an active participant in the planetary shift towards peace and well-being. To live my life in this present moment and in stillness experience God's love, joy, peace, and abundance at all times.
Some of the resources I use for my spiritual journey can be accessed in the left-hand column.
These are but a few of the messages and messengers that are appearing to guide us to truth. God loves his Son and we are him. It is your decision to set out on your own spiritual journey. I have provided some pointers to start you on your quest. Use them if you wish. Know you can't get it wrong for your life is safely hid with God in Christ. Enjoy the journey!